Cancellation Policy
A student has five (5) calendar days after signing an enrollment agreement to cancel enrollment in any manner and receive a full refund of all monies paid to the institution. In addition, students enrolling in undergraduate credit-bearing programs may cancel their enrollment up to the completion of the first course in the program and receive a full refund of all monies paid to the institution.
For non-credit bearing undergraduate programs, a student requesting cancellation more than five calendar days after signing an enrollment agreement, but prior to beginning a course or program, is entitled to a refund of all monies paid minus a one-time administrative fee per program of no more than 20 percent of the tuition and not to exceed more than $200 per program.
Tuition Refund Policies
When a student cancels after completing at least one assignment but less than 50 percent of the graded assignments, the institution may retain the administrative fee of no more than 20 percent of the tuition, not to exceed $200 per program, plus a percentage of tuition paid by the student in accordance with the following schedule:
Percentage Completed by the Student | Percentage of Tuition Returned to the Student (or Third-Party Funding Agency) Minus the Administrative Fee | Percentage of Tuition Retained by the Institution |
Up to 10% | 90% | 10% |
>10% – 25% | 75% | 25% |
>25% – 50% | 50% | 50% |
>50% – 100% | 0% | 100% |
For students enrolled in degree programs, the refund policy is calculated on a course by course basis. Students have the right to withdraw from the program at any time. However, the refund period ends in conjunction with the initial enrollment termination date which is located on the Enrollment Agreement. The termination date is 1.5 times the program length. For example, an 8-month program would have a termination date 12 months from the student’s start date. If students do not complete their program within the time allotted prior to the termination date of the enrollment agreement, no refund will be issued.
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) Return of TA Funds Policy
The following policy applies for students using funding from the Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance (TA) program:
Any TA Program funds will be returned directly to the Military Service and not the Service member.
Up to the start date of the program all (100%) of the TA Funds will be returned to the Military Service if the Service member does not begin attendance at the institution or start a course regardless of whether the student starts other courses.
In the event that a course is canceled by the institution, any TA funds received by the institution for students enrolled in the course will be returned to the Military Service.
Any unearned TA funds will be returned to the Military Service on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided. The refund amount is based on the length of course in which the student is enrolled and the date of withdrawal from the course. Please see below for the refund schedule for different course lengths:
Courses of 8 Weeks | Courses of 16 Weeks | Courses of 24 Weeks |
If a student withdraws in: | If a student withdraws in: | If a student withdraws in: |
Week 1: 100% Refund | Weeks 1 – 2: 100% Refund | Weeks 1 – 3: 100% Refund |
Week 2: 75% Refund | Weeks 3 – 4: 75% Refund | Weeks 4 – 6: 75% Refund |
Weeks 3 – 4: 50% Refund | Weeks 5 – 8: 50% Refund | Weeks 7 – 12: 50% Refund |
Weeks 5 – 8: No Refund | Weeks 9 – 10: 40% Refund | Weeks 13 – 15:40% Refund |
Weeks 11 – 16: No Refund | Weeks 16 – 24: No Refund |
In instances when a Military Service member is unable to continue in his/her program due to a military service obligation, the college will work with the affected Service member to ensure that there is not a student debt for the returned portion.
Program Withdrawal
Students wishing to withdraw from their program should contact Lori Charbonnier in the Student Services Department. This can be done in any manner including by telephone at (304) 607-4039, by email at [email protected] and put “Program Withdrawal” in the subject line, by fax at 866-475-9533, or in writing to:
Lori Charbonnier
Student Services Dept.
Martinsburg College
341 Aikens Center
Martinsburg, WV 25404
2206 Dell Range Blvd. Ste. G
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Students must clearly state the effective date of withdrawal, which must be on or after the date of notification, and the reason for withdrawal. Students must communicate with Ms. Charbonnier directly to confirm their withdrawal. Ms. Charbonnier will confirm your withdrawal request within 72 hours. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that the school has been properly notified of their intention to withdraw. Students who do not receive a communication within 72 hours of their notice to withdraw should send a follow up communication to Ms. Charbonnier.
Unofficial Withdrawals (Administrative Withdrawals)
In order for students to be successful in distance education programs and achieve stated learning outcomes, they need to participate in regular course activities in a frequent and substantive manner, such as participating in group discussions and submitting all coursework in a timely fashion based on specific timeframes.
Students who do not submit required assignments and/or substantively interact will be administratively withdrawn for lack of participation/substantive interaction, resulting in a grade of W recorded on the student’s academic transcript.